Must Have Goddess


Easy Self Care For The Holiday Season

Listen up.

You are doing a great job.

You are appreciated.

You do not have to go crazy this holiday season. Christmas is in just a few days. I know you are feeling under the gun, stressed, have a to-do list a mile long, and are letting your anxiety get the best of you.

I need you to know that is OK to step back and relax. It’s OK to ask for help, guiltlessly delegate and automate. I need you to know that your health, well being and self care is more important than anything else right now.

The world will not end if you don’t get those cards in the mail, or the entire gift list to Santa. Your life will not implode if you buy pre-made food items and opt out of certain holiday parties. Save your sanity mama.

This season is extra hard for me ever since losing my sweet baby brother on Christmas 2016. I am trying my best to stay upbeat and “in the spirit” for my children, but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t require mad effort and intention.

I am giving my personal self care some extra attention. I’m throwing myself into yoga, I’m listening to my body when I need to just curl up and rest in bed or zone out with a book or horrible reality show, I’m taking time to meditate and stretch, and I’m avoiding things I know will trigger me.

Here are a few self care tips to remember during this hellish…I mean…holiday season:

Get Some Sleep
Remember sleep? It’s that thing you used to do before kids. You may have done it once or twice on your last vacation, or that time you had the flu. Many people do it every single night. You can too!

For real, be sure you are getting rest this time of year. Staying up til dawn wrapping or baking, comparison shopping wish list items at various stores online, cleaning out the guest room for incoming family… Yes, it’s important. But not more important than your health. Getting good sleep is crucial for you to function well during the day. If you want to be present with that family coming into town, then go to bed and tackle the guest room another time. When all else fails at night, take a nap in the day!!

Monthly Goal Setting Tips

You already know I’m a personal development junkie so I thought I would share my monthly goal setting tips and techniques for this fresh month. I’ll be honest, I usually complete my monthly goal setting a day or two before each new month so I’m ready to start the month off with a bang.

Look back to look ahead

Take a look at your major goals you’ve set for the year (or quarter) and see where things stand. Don’t judge yourself if you haven’t completed them, just look and be aware of where you are.


Do a Brain Purge of everything bogging up your mind. Old to dos, projects, errands, appointments, ideas, future events, everything. Get it all down in one long list. Order doesn’t matter, neatness and spelling doesn’t count, just get it all out so you can move forward with a clear head.

Sort & Filter

Sort your list. You may be able to just delete some items, move some to later down the line, give some to other people to handle for you. Then filter your list by area of life.

Decide on your month’s focus/plan

What areas of life are you going to be focusing on? What makes the most sense in your life right now? What would be the best focus for what your larger/longer term goals are? Decide on what area you’ll focus on so you don’t dilute your efforts and “waste” time on less important tasks.

How To Become A Fitness Minimalist To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

This minimalism lifestyle has really struck a cord with me. The other day, Kaya and I dropped off 5 garbage bags full of clothes, shoes, bags and toys/baby gear for charity. I came home and immediately noticed more things that just had to go. In addition to clearing the clutter in my home, and digital life, I’m becoming a minimalist in other areas. My hair routine has been pared down even further (the huge chop helped!) and skin care routine is using products with as few ingredients as possible. Minimalism is sneaking its way into my fitness as well.

It’s just making my life easier to be a Fitness Minimalist.

Here are a few ideas on how to start Fitness Minimalism in your daily life to reach your health and wellness goals:

I don’t mean eating less, or even eating more simply prepared foods (both of which would be clutch for your weight loss/fitness goals tho) I just mean minimize your choices in meals. The goal with cozy minimalism is to simplify and feel good about it. So don’t pare down to just beans and water or anything crazy restrictive. Just choose your favorite healthy meals you enjoy preparing and repeat them frequently. This eases the hassle of meal planning, meal prep, and grocery shopping. You’ll be able to eat healthier more often and with less issues that lead to fast food or other unhealthy choices.

This is really changing my life. I’ve been eating the same few meals over and over and over. (OK Full disclosure this goes out the window the full week before aunt Flo, #ijs) There are a few staples we count on as a family and it’s just so easy to do and makes a big difference in stress level.


Well, most of my clothing is workout gear…I tend to wear them to work out and end up wearing them all day until I get a shower at the kids’ naptime or at night. (Don’t be like me.) Have a few quality pieces on hand that fit well and make you feel secure and comfortable. Keep them in the same drawer or area of your closet. Have them all work well together so you can easily grab and go for your workouts without having to dig through for matching items.

Remember, simplifying is the goal. If you feel good in what you’re wearing to exercise and don’t have to work hard to get there, you’ll work out more often. #noexcuses

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